I have always been a reader, but for some reason haven't read a book in a while. I think the last book that i read all the way through was the first Twilight (i'll get to that series again at some point) book. A friend (thank you Hamrick) recommended that I pick up The Gunslinger, the first in the series. I have a fairly large collection of King books, but I had never really wanted to embark on the Dark Tower adventure. I am a fairly big Lord Of The Rings fan, but man are those a tough read. I was reassured this was drastically different, but wasn't to Sci-Fi that it would lose my attention. So, on the recommendation , I headed to the local Barnes and Noble and found a nice copy of it. Within two days, I was back in the car going to get the second and third book.
The Gunslinger was a pretty simple read. No be honest, not a lot happens. You do get to know that Roland of Gilead is the last gunslinger on the planet and he is in pursuit of this "Man In Black". They flash back to a few of Roland's childhood, but mainly focus on the finding this man. He encounters a strange city, finds a boy in the desert all alone, and finds himself on a mine car under a mountain. I really don't want to give away all that happens in the book, but it was very entertaining to the point that I needed to have more Roland in my life.
The Waste Lands, is the third book in the series and I am enjoying that as I type this. There is a person very familiar to Roland and his past that joins the threesome. Roland is teaching Susannah, Eddie, and this unnamed person the tricks to his trade. Though none of them will ever be the gunslinger he is, they are making great strides in becoming great "back up" for him. They just came across a little town and had the first decent meal in over 3 months and are about ready to enter a strange city. They first have to cross this ginormous bridge that is very similar to the George Washington Bridge is NYC. For talking with others, and the anticipation the book is building up to, things are about to get very very interesting. I will admit that this is the slowest of all the books due to the fact they are building a bunch of stuff up and nothing has really happened. Maybe I will change my mind, once I am finished with it.
Have you read this series before? What did you think? Give me some hints on what to look forward to!!!
Glad you're enjoying the series. King is brilliant!