Top Ten, hmmmm. Tough , but here it is as of now.
2. The Godfather, Part II
3. Shawshank Redemption
4. Seven
5. The Godfather
6. Lord Of The Rings
7. Fight Club
8. Pulp Fiction
9. Platoon
10. The Usual Suspects
This list may change over time. There are always new flicks coming out, and old flicks that I still need to sit and watch.
What is your favorite flick?
Recent Movies Watched:
11.06.2010 - Due Date
11.07.2010 - By the People: The Election of Barack Obama
11.08.2010 - W.
11.15.2010 - Moulin Rouge!
11.17.2010 - Valentine's Day
11.21.2010 - Whip It
11.22.2010 - Crazy Heart